Fábio Sandes

Marketing professional and academic researcher with a Doctorate and Master’s degree in Marketing / Business, obtained at Fundação Getulio Vargas / SP, leading business school in Brazil with triple-crown international accreditation: AACSB, EFMD, AMBA. My profile mixes a consistent and consolidated career as a Marketing practitioner in the Textile industry & fashion market – with the role of an academic researcher. In addition to the master’s and doctor’s degrees, I have 4 years of experience as an academic coordinator for PostBac in Business and Fashion Marketing: defining an academic curriculum, teaching disciplines, and having guided more than 100 students in their final assignment.
The mix of academic and practitioner experience has guaranteed me a different perception in both markets: in the academic environment, I can easily perceive the managerial relevance of the research and continuously look for research questions that are strategically relevant. In the corporate environment, curiosity and academic rigor lead me to seek complete and consistent solutions to business problems companies and brands in their performance in the market.