FoM 2023

MagLab is pleased to announce the first edition of the biennial Future of Magazine conference (FoM), organized by CICANT, Lusófona University research center, on 19 – 21 July 2023. FoM 2023 keynotes will be delivered by Nico Carpentier, from the Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism, Charles University, on "The magazine assemblage: community, materiality and (format) diversity" and David Abrahamson, from the Northwestern University’s Medill School, on "The future of magazines".

Nico Carpentier is Extraordinary Professor at Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic), Chief Research Fellow at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) and President of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (2020-2024). His theoretical focus is on discourse theory, his research is situated in the relationship between communication, politics and culture, especially towards social domains as war & conflict, ideology, participation and democracy. His latest monographs are The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation (2017, Peter Lang, New York) and Iconoclastic Controversies: A Photographic Inquiry into Antagonistic Nationalism (2021, Intellect, Bristol).

David Abrahamson is a professor emeritus at Northwestern University. Author of Magazine-Made America: The Cultural Transformation of the Postwar Periodical, editor of The American Magazine: Research Perspectives and Prospects and co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of Magazine Research: The Future of the Magazine Form, he has served as president of the International Association for Literary Journalism Studies, as well as the past head of both the magazine and history divisions of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. He is a past winner of the AEJMC Magazine Division’s Educator of the Year award and the American Journalism History Association’s Sidney Kobre Award for Lifetime Achievement in Journalism History. He holds a B.A. in History from Johns Hopkins University (1969), a Master’s degree in Journalism from the University of California, Berkeley (1973) and a Ph.D. in American Civilization from New York University (1992).

James Hewes is President & CEO of FIPP, the network for global media and one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious membership associations, which includes almost all the world’s leading magazine media brands. He was Publisher and Head of International at BBC Magazines and Publishing Director for Top Gear and Lonely Planet, among others.
Check the full program here.
FoM is an event that brings together a variety of researchers to share insights, ideas and discuss the current status and technical challenges the medium will face in future, as well as issues relevant to the understanding of this field of studies. Papers will be presented as part of a rich conference program, including keynote talks, talking circles, and a full day dedicated to the industry.
FoM2023 takes place at Lusófona University, located in Campo Grande.