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universidade lusófona


Pantelis Vatikiotis

Pantelis Vatikiotis is an Associate Professor at the Department of Communication, Media and Culture, Director of Journalism Lab (J-Lab) and Co-Coordinator of e-Campaigning Path of the MA Program “Digital Transformation: e-diplomacy, e-campaigning and digital law” at Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences and Visiting Professor at MSc in “Media & Refugee/Migration Flows” of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has also worked at: Kadir Has University, Istanbul; Izmir University of Economics (Turkey), University of Ioannina; Business College of Athens; New York College of Athens (Greece), University of Westminster, London (UK). From 2006 to 2008 he worked in mass media (SKAI TV). His publications include book chapters and journal articles in international academic publications.For detailed publication record visit: Academia.Edu/pantelisvatikiotis and Google Scholar Profile.

Research interests

  • New media and journalism
  • Sociology of the Internet
  • Alternative media
  • Social movements and activism
  • Media and democracy